Treatments at OASES Eye Care Center

Watering Eyes

Though occassionally useful excessive tears can indicate a medical condition. Our doctors treat watering eye conditions by clinical ways.

Watering Eyes (Epiphora): What you need to know

The occasional tears, though often associated with sadness, also serve a medical purpose. Tears keep our eyes lubricated and avoid dryness as well as help flush out any foreign bodies in the eyelids. However, an excessive condition of watery eyes can be quite uncomfortable and a sign of an underlying medical condition. Watery eyes, also known as epiphora, is a condition where the eyes are consistently watery. This is typically associated with excessive tear production which may be a symptom of an infection or a result of blocked tear ducts.

Causes of watery eyes

An excessive secretion of tears can be caused due to several factors. These may include:

Inflammation around the eye surface

Allergies and hay fever

Dry eyes resulting in excess requirement of lubrication

Blocked or narrow tear ducts

Problems with the eyelid

Certain medications and therapy treatments

Foreign objects trapped in eyelid

Ingrown eyelash


In infants, the tear ducts may not function optimally for several months which may result in watery eyes.

Symptoms of watery eyes

The most typical symptom is excessive tears in your eyes. However, it may also be

accompanied by other symptoms such as:

Soreness or tenderness around eye area

Blurred vision

Reduced visibility

Inflammation around eye area

Pain or discomfort


Sensitivity to changes in light

Diagnosing watery eyes

In case of excessive tear production or any such symptoms, it is advisable to instantly consult an Oculoplastic specialist — an Ophthalmologist specialising in eyelid and tear duct concerns. The doctor will examine the eyes and perform a detailed examination to find the primary cause behind the watery eyes.

Treatment options for watery eyes

Based on the causes of the condition, the doctor will devise a treatment plan. These may include medicines or require surgical assistance. As this is a specialised field, it is best to consult a trusted Oculoplastic surgeon for any such concern.

Dry eyes

This concern is solved by prescribing lubricating drops to keep the eyes lubricated and healthy.

Eyelid infection

An infection can also result in water eyes which can be easily treated with the help of antibiotics.

Foreign object

A foreign object trapped in the eyelid can cause watery eyes. The doctor can easily and safely remove the object from the eyelid.

Misdirected eyelashes

Ingrown eyelashes can be uncomfortable and cause watery eyes. This can be treated as per the doctor’s discretion.

Tear duct or eyelid surgery

In case of narrow or blocked tear ducts, you may be advised surgery to rectify the condition. This surgery is quite routine and can easily be done by an Oculoplastic surgeon. Additionally, surgery may also be required in case of eyelid concerns such as a sagging eyelid. Be sure to follow all care precautions and post-surgery care as advised by your doctor for a faster recovery.

Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (Cnldo)

Watering of the eyes since infancy will require treatment with varied options such as:

1. Sac pressure method: usually adopted for children younger than age of 1 year

2. Syringing and probing under endoscopic guidance: the added use of endoscopy helps in detecting the presence of other nasal problems and in also confirming the success of probing 

3. Dacryocystorhinostomy: creating a new pathway for tear drainage in complicated patients

Preventive remedies for watery eyes

Here are some simple tips to keep your eyes healthy and assist in avoiding watery eyes.

Always wash your hands thoroughly before wearing contact lenses.

Take frequent breaks when watching TV or working on the laptop to avoid dry eyes

Wear protective eyeglasses when out in the sun

While watery eyes may be a result of an underlying medical condition, they can also be quite uncomfortable to deal with. To rectify the condition with the finest medical care be sure to visit a professional Oculoplastic surgeon.