Treatments at OASES Eye Care Center


We treat all types of infections occuring in eyes

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This 72 year old gentleman had this swelling and discharge since 6 years! His condition was diagnosed as conjunctivitis often and he had been on many tablets and bottles of antibiotic drops without any results in these many years. He was diagnosed with Right upper canaliculitis for which he underwent a surgical procedure called CANALICULAR CURETTAGE under local anesthesia. The discharge and exudates removed were sent for microbiological analysis which confirmed Actinomyces. Following a single sitting, he improved drastically. The antibiotic drops and ointment were continued for one month beyond.

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This 40 year old woman was diagnosed with cancaliculitis for which she underwent CANALICULAR CURETTAGE under local anesthesia. She needed two sittings before she was completely cured of the infection.

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Canaliculitis is an infection of the canaliculus which forms part of the tear drainage pathway. This area can get infected at times with certain organisms, leading to swelling, mild pain, discharge. This condition is easy to miss clinically as it tends to be a slow indolent infection. Common organisms causing this are certain species of Actinomyces and Staphylococci among others.

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This child aged 12 years, was referred to us for this eyelid swelling. She was found to have an eyelid abscess for which she was treated conservatively and she did well on oral antibiotics.

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Dr Anuradha Ayyar was consulted for this child at a multispecialty hospital. She was found to have sinusitis (ethmoidal) along with subperiosteal abscess. Due to the fact her eye was getting affected by the infection and she was responding very slowly to antibiotics, an early intervention was done by the ENT dept in form of FESS and the child was started on early course of tapered steroids which cured her problem and saved her eye.

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This patient was managed conservatively for a reaction to alleged insect bite and a hypersensitivitiy reaction to the same. She was unable to lift her eyelid on first clinical presentation. With medicines and ointments, she recovered in 2 weeks.

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Dr Anuradha Ayyar was called to a multispecialty hospital to see this 32 year old pregnant woman with severe uncontrolled diabetes, for an infection in the eyelid which had now spread to the right orbit leading to protrusion of her eye and significant decrease in vision. She was not responding well to intravenous antibiotics even after a week. She could only perceive light held very close to her eye. She was on Insulin for controlling her blood sugar levels.

CT scan revealed collection of pus in the superior orbit, for which Dr Ayyar performed an emergency orbitotomy and drainage.

With strict monitoring of the patient’s blood sugar levels, improved diet, and intravenous antibiotics and wound care during the hospital stay, she showed a dramatic improvement. Her vision on discharge was 6/36 in the affected eye. On 2 weeks follow up, she surprised the doctors by reading upto 6/9!

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